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Vol 18 Number 35                                 SELAMAT PAGI                                              24 April 2010

   April is Magazine                                                                     Member's Contribution
   Month                                    A TURN OF THE ROTARY WHEEL

                                            THE 76TH DISTRICT ASSEMBLY
                                            SUNWAY LAGOON RESORT
                                            17 - 18 April 2010

                                            The Rotary logo is a wheel and at the
                                            recently held 76th District Assembly,
                                            the wheel turns another cycle. The
                                            delegates from RCBKS were incoming
                                            directors for RY 2011/12 Secretary
                                            Ghaurry, Treasurer Sunny, Club Admin
                                            Karen,Service Projects Graham,
Rotary Leader is a multimedia, online       Membership Chairman James Cheong,
publication featuring practical             Jeremy and yours truly.
information and links to help club and
district officers meet the challenges       The incoming District Governor Lim Kok Beng
they face every day.                        receives his badge of office and explains to
                                            the Assembly incoming RI President, Ray
Current club presidents and district        Klinging-Smith’s vision and theme. He
governors who have provided accurate        reported Pres. Ray’s wish for a briefly stated
                                            theme that would fulfill two objectives: the first  Relaxing the tired muscles!
e-mail addresses to RI via Member
Access receive Rotary Leader                to explain Rotary to non-Rotarians, and the
automatically, but any Rotarian may         second to validate our work for Rotarians. The words he selected to describe
subscribe to this publication at any        Rotary’s current mission and to highlight our achievements and what we do best
time. Club presidents-elect, district       are the year’s theme: Building Communities — Bridging Continents.
governors-elect, club secretaries,
district committee chairs, and              Incoming DG Kok Beng added that Pres. Ray’s idea of “brief” is that we should be
assistant governors are especially          able to explain Rotary to a stranger in the time it takes for an elevator ride. Implied
encouraged to subscribe. There is no        in this search is the urgent need for Rotary to bring in new members. In response
cost to subscribe to Rotary Leader .        DG Kok Beng has challenged District 3300 to raise our membership from the
Rotary Leader is published in eight         current 1,700 to 2,000 in the year ahead.
languages - English, French, German,
Italian, Japanese, Korean,                  DG’S BANQUET
Portuguese, and Spanish. Rotary
Leader is an online-only publication;       The Assembly was not without its lighter moments. The evening of 17 April saw
print copies are not available for sale.    the DG’s banquet held at the Grand Dorsett’s Grand Ballroom. The organizing
Send questions, comments, or article        committee managed to dig up some of DG Kok Beng’s history and made a
ideas for Rotary Leader to                  hilarious sideshow of it. It was all in good fun and so the DG took it in good spirit.
                                            The evening was graced by the Rt Hon Ong Tee Keat, Ministry of Transport. YAB
FYI - In order to subscribe, all you have   Ong is an Honorable Member of RC Pudu. He paid tribute to Rotary noting how
to do is enter your “email address” and     harmoniously the presidency passed from year to year unlike in Politics. This
click “submit” at the original web-page     observation drew loud applause from the Grand Ballroom.
is below:
                                            Three of us, James Cheong, Ghaurry and me, found ourselves at a 1Malaysia                   table with RC Metro Kuantan and RC Kampung Baru. We had good camaraderie
MediaAndNews/Newsletters/                   and more than that a very decent menu. After the spread we had during the last
RotaryWorld/Pages/ridefault.aspx            Conference held at the same venue, expectations ran rather low. So the improved
                                            meal was a welcome surprise.
                                                                                              PE Poay Lim
Guest:                                     Mr David Fong
Reverend Aru, guest of Yoke Leong          -Innovation
Attendance: 60% Fines: =                   David, who is currently the chairman of
                                           the Malaysia Venture Capital & Private
                                           equity Assoc. presented a talk on
                                           'Innovation". Innovation is a new way of
                                           doing something or “new stuff that is
                                           made useful”. It refer to an incremental
An EGM was held and the proposed           emergent or radical and revolutionary
budget by the District for RY 2010/11      changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations. In many fields, such as the
was adopted. PE Poay Lim was also          arts, economics and government policy, something new must be substantially different
appointed as the Club Elector to vote      to be innovative. In economics the change must increase value, customer value, or
at the District Assembly.                  producer value. The goal of innovation is positive change, to make someone or
                                           something better. Innovation leading to increased productivity is the fundamental source
Club Service                               of increasing wealth in an economy.

- The Fireside chat will be at Sri Wang-        MEMBERSHIP
saria condo on 14 May'10. It will be an         DEVELOPMENT
evening for sharing Rotary Information
with new members. All club members
are also welcome to attend.                Here are things your club can do to recruit and
                                           retain younger members who maintain Rotary’s ideals:
- 7 members are participating in the
'Relay for Life 2010'. Cost is $15pp.      • Induct several young members at once, instead of recruiting them one at a time A
                                           younger member might feel intimidated or alienated if he or she is the only person
Community Service                          in that age group in your club.Inducting several younger members at a time can help
                                           them feel more comfortable by giving them an immediate peer group in the club.
- Ee Lay reported that the joint Medical
                                           • Conduct service projects that might appeal more to younger members. Research
Camp project withRC Shah Alam has
                                           conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics determined that younger people
been rescheduled to 9 May'10. We are
                                           don’t do less service work than older people. They determined that 25- to 35-year-
required to source for doctors.
                                           olds do the same amount of service work as 55- to65-year-olds, however younger
                                           people’s work is more likely to focus on areas such as education, sports, and family
                                           • Recruit Rotaractors, GSE team members, and other Rotary program alumni. Their
- Kong reported the committee has
                                           participation in RI and Foundation programs shows that they already know about
selected a new candidate and two
                                           Rotary’s ideals and are interested in pursuing itsmission.
Rotarians has been appointed as
mentors. The committee has set a           • Consider lowering the total cost of membership in your club. Some younger
target of 15 awardees.                     members have trouble meeting the financial obligations of club membership. To
                                           combat this problem, some clubs have lowered their fees or have a meal only once
Other announcements                        or twice a month instead of every week.
- Yau reported on the1st Mentor Support    • If your club is not interested in lowering the total cost of membership, consider
Group meeting held on Monday at            waiving certain fees or expenses for the first year or two. Younger members may be
James Cheong's office.                     more apprehensive about committing to all of the financial obligations of club
                                           membership since they’re not yet fully invested in Rotary. Once they become
- Steve reminded directors to submit       involved in your club and dedicated to Rotary’s mission, they may be more willing
their reports and photos asap for the      and able to pay the full amount.
installation souvenir programme.
                                           • Make sure meetings are efficient and productive. Younger members some-times
19th Installation Committee                comment that clubs don’t conduct enough projects and activities and that some
                                           clubs mismanage meeting time instead of getting down to business.Younger
Chairman: Steve Robinson                   members often have competing priorities and are more interested in attending
Installation programme: PE Poay Lim        meetings when conducted efficiently.
Treasurer: Sunny Khoo
Venue: Karen Chong                         • Recruit “up-and-comers,” managers who are on their way to becoming important
Ticket sales: Tan Siew Hwa                 business and professional leaders. This group of people is often interested in the
               Jeremy Ng                   networking and professional development benefits of Rotary. It is important to get
Emcees: Graham Bennett                     these people invested in Rotary while young so that they’re already dedicated
           Lim Fang Keong                  Rotarians by the time they reach top-level management, executive status, or an
Ex-officio: President Frances              ownership position.

                                           • Be open to the new ideas of younger members. Maintaining the status quo in your
                                           club may bore and discourage them. Younger members will be more likely to stay
                                           in your club if their opinions are valued and appreciated and if they aren’t treated like
                                           junior members.
    LEADERSHIP TRAINING                                                                   8 May (Sat) 7.30am
    CAMP EXPERIENCE                                                                       Speaker: Adriana Aris
    by REF Awardee                                                                        Topic: USS Nimitz
    Darshinii Pannir Selvam
                                                                                          15 May (Sat) 7.30am
Everyone faces challenges in life.
Some of us overcome them and some
of us might just give up. I was one of                                                        CALENDER of EVENTS
them who almost gave up. I was feeling
                                                                                          Board Meeting
quite depressed due to stress in
                                                                                          Date: 6 May 2010
school. To me, it felt as if the whole
world was falling apart. During this
                                                                                          Fireside chat
confused period, my mentor Rtn Karen,
                                                                                          Date: 14 May 2010 @ 7pm
informed me about a leadership
                                                                                          Venue: Sri Wangsaria Condo,
training camp. I was a little reluctant to
                                                                                                  Meeting Room (Ground floor)
attend it at first wondering how this camp could change my life? Apparently, I was
wrong. This camp was an eye opener for me.
                                                                                          Medical Camp
      th      th                                                                          Date: 13 June 2010
On 15 to 18 March 2010, the Rotary Club of Bukit Kiara Sunrise organized a 4
                                                                                          Venue: Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam
days 3 nights leadership camp for 52 students from SMK Sri Permata. There were
also a few Rotarians who accompanied us. They were, Rtn Graham, Rtn Dr Yee,
                                                                                          REF Values Education Program
Rtn Dr. Kong, Rtn Karen, and a few others. This camp was sponsored by CIMB
                                                                                          Date: 8 - 9 June 2010
bank and we were trained by EQ Training and Development. First and foremost, I
                                                                                          Venue: SMK Sri Permata
would like to thank the Rotary Club of Bukit Kiara Sunrise for giving me this
opportunity, CIMB Bank for their kind sponsorship and my mentor, Rtn Karen for            Trip to Taiwan -
informing me about this camp.                                                             RC Chungli Chung Shing
I have learned many things and gained lots of new experiences through this 4 days         Date: 18 - 23 May 2010
3 nights journey. This camp in a way made me put aside all my worries and
problems and made me open my mind into receiving new things. During this                  Relay for Life 2010
camp, Dr Yee has taught me how to accept challenges in life and not look at it as a       Date: 29 - 30 May'10
burden. “Take it like an exam and just try your best to solve it, and if you don't        Venue: Bukit Jalil Stadium
succeed, learn from your mistakes,” he said. Many of us might have heard this
phrase but for the first time I actually understood the meaning of it. Therefore, I       RCBKS 19th Installation
would like to thank Dr Yee for spending his time and giving me guidance.                  Date: 26 June 2010 (Sat)

I would also like to thank Dr Kong. I must say that Dr Kong is filled with positive       RC Bugis Junction Installation
energy. He looks at things in a positive manner and he inspired me to do so. After        Date: 10 July 2010
having a short conversation with him, he made me realize that life doesn’t have to
be so dull, you can always polish it and make it shine if you really want it.
                                                                                                       Duty Roster
Futhermore, I would like to thank Mr. Shankar, Mr. Andy and Mr. Selva for inspiring
me. Throughout the camp activities, they instilled many values such teamwork,              24 April (International Service)
overcoming your fear, adapting yourself in different enviroment and always rise up
to challenges. My favorite part of this program which I shall always carry with me is      Sargeant-at-arms       Sunny
the quote by Napoleon Hill, “I shall be the CAPTAIN of my SOUL”. This quote has            Desk Duty              Thomas
a very deep meaning and it helps me in many ways when I practice it. After the             Introducer               -
camp. I started taking charge of my life. In other words, being empowered.                 Thank Speaker            -
                                                                                           Fines                  Teng Yoong
I realize that keeping the mind positive is something I can plan. There are a few
things that I would like to share with all of you on how I keep my mind positive and
                                                                                           8 May (New Generation)
calm. For instance:

Before I go to bed, I allow myself a few minutes to review my day. What are the            Sargeant-at-arms       Ghaurry
things that made me happy? And have Icompleted my task for the day? I asked                Desk Duty              Poay Lim
myself these questions. If I did, I would congratulate myself for doing a specta-          Introducer             Jeremy
cular job. At first, I find this habit quite “funny” but guess what? it actually works!    Thank Speaker          Elsie
                                                                                           Fines                  Graham
Then, I review those things that did not go so well. For example, I missed a
dateline or I had a bad day with a friend. I would plan to improve those areas
tomorrow. I learn the lessons I can find for that particular day and think how can I                         Visit our Blog @
make it better and then put a lid on it. I turn my back on the past and look forward                         http:// rotaryclubbks.
for tomorrow. I will picture how my day is going to be.                                            
                                                           ,,,,, continue on next page
Board of Directors 2009/10               District NEWS

President                              District Awards & Handover Night
Frances Po
21731618(0)                            Towards the end of each Rotary year, an evening is set aside for the DistrictAwards
                                       Night. Each award given out is truly worth all the effort, hard work and commitment
President Elect                        by the relevant clubs and members. It will be a recognition, meaningful and which
Tan Poay Lim                           the club members will truly be proud to have earned. Such projects that had been
77277127(0)                            successfully carried out, for the objectives with which they have done so and the
                                       results are that they have realized and made beneficial to the communities as
Immediate Past President/PR            well as put a smile on the faces of those concerned.
Elsie Low
77281807(0)                            Venue:Royal Selangor Club, Dataran Merdeka
                                       Date; 12th June'10 @ 7.30pm
Vice President/Membership Director     Cost: RM 90
Dr Sanjay Doshi
                                          Leadership Camp
Honorary Secretary                        ......continue
Cecelia Matuya
56342870(0)                            My day might not turn out as smooth as I planned but at least it is not a disaster. I
                                       thank God for that. The thought of reflection here is “If we plan our life well, there
Honorary Treasurer                     will be no regrets.”
PP Graham Bennett
012-2918619                            Besides that, I would like to thank all the students of SMK Sri Permata for being
                                       friendly and for accepting Ou Young Yu Xin and I as one of them. They also gave
Club Service Director                  their full coorporation when I was the leader of my team on the second day. We
PP Karen Chong                         became good friends and we still keep in touch. I would also like to thank Yu Xin
012-2893380                            for sharing some tips on how to study.

Vocational Service Director            Lastly, I would like to thank my mum for permitting me to attend this camp.
PP CY Fong
78032276(0)                            I consider myself lucky to have attended this camp and had the chance to attain
                                       experience and knowledge from very experience people. I have made the choice
Community Service Director             to have a better life by having a good start. “A BETTER START, A BETTER LIFE”.
Ho Ee Lay
                                       District 3300                               Sister Clubs
International Service Director
Susan Lim                              District Governor Leslie Salehuddin         RC Bugis Junction [D 3310]
012-2325860                            03-61424628 (0) 03-61424058(Fax)            Saturday, 08:00 am
                                                      Hotel Inter-Continental
New Generation Director                                                            80 Middle Road, Singapore
Ghaurry                                Assistant Governor Veiven Goon
23003757(O)                            03-79805529(0) 03-79813514(Fax)             RC ChiangmaiThinthaingam[D 3360]
                                                       Thursday, 12.00 noon
Rotary Foundation Chairman                                                         International Center
PP Sunny Khoo                          Rotary Clubs in Group 9                     Chiangmai University, Thailand
22849089(O)                            Ampang
                                       Bukit Kiara Sunrise                         RC Chungli Chung Shing [D 3500]
Bulletin Committee                     KL West                                     Thursday, 12.00 noon
                                       Pudu                                        No 4, Ln 10, Gwo-Ti Street
James Lau/ Karen (Editor/Production)   Sri Petaling                                Chungli, Taiwan
Poay Lim (Speaker’s Programme)

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Communication Release Cr201003 0006 On Leadership Camp Wide
Communication Release Cr201003 0006 On Leadership Camp WideCommunication Release Cr201003 0006 On Leadership Camp Wide
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Rcbks Bulletin Vol 18 No 30
Rcbks Bulletin Vol 18 No 30Rcbks Bulletin Vol 18 No 30
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Communication Release C R201002 0002 On L T P& V E P
Communication  Release  C R201002 0002 On  L T P& V E PCommunication  Release  C R201002 0002 On  L T P& V E P
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Camp Experience
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Communication release cr201003 0006 on leadership camp-wide
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Communication release cr201003 0006 on leadership camp-wide
Communication Release Cr201003 0006 On Leadership Camp Wide
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Communication Release Cr201003 0006 On Leadership Camp Wide
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Communication Release Cr201003 0006 On Leadership Camp Wide
Rcbks Bulletin Vol 18 No 30
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Rcbks Bulletin Vol 18 No 27
Communication Release C R201002 0002 On L T P& V E P
Communication  Release  C R201002 0002 On  L T P& V E PCommunication  Release  C R201002 0002 On  L T P& V E P
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Rcbks bulletin vol 18 no 35

  • 1. Vol 18 Number 35 SELAMAT PAGI 24 April 2010 April is Magazine Member's Contribution Month A TURN OF THE ROTARY WHEEL THE 76TH DISTRICT ASSEMBLY SUNWAY LAGOON RESORT 17 - 18 April 2010 The Rotary logo is a wheel and at the recently held 76th District Assembly, the wheel turns another cycle. The delegates from RCBKS were incoming directors for RY 2011/12 Secretary Ghaurry, Treasurer Sunny, Club Admin Karen,Service Projects Graham, Rotary Leader is a multimedia, online Membership Chairman James Cheong, publication featuring practical Jeremy and yours truly. information and links to help club and district officers meet the challenges The incoming District Governor Lim Kok Beng they face every day. receives his badge of office and explains to the Assembly incoming RI President, Ray Current club presidents and district Klinging-Smith’s vision and theme. He governors who have provided accurate reported Pres. Ray’s wish for a briefly stated theme that would fulfill two objectives: the first Relaxing the tired muscles! e-mail addresses to RI via Member Access receive Rotary Leader to explain Rotary to non-Rotarians, and the automatically, but any Rotarian may second to validate our work for Rotarians. The words he selected to describe subscribe to this publication at any Rotary’s current mission and to highlight our achievements and what we do best time. Club presidents-elect, district are the year’s theme: Building Communities — Bridging Continents. governors-elect, club secretaries, district committee chairs, and Incoming DG Kok Beng added that Pres. Ray’s idea of “brief” is that we should be assistant governors are especially able to explain Rotary to a stranger in the time it takes for an elevator ride. Implied encouraged to subscribe. There is no in this search is the urgent need for Rotary to bring in new members. In response cost to subscribe to Rotary Leader . DG Kok Beng has challenged District 3300 to raise our membership from the Rotary Leader is published in eight current 1,700 to 2,000 in the year ahead. languages - English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, DG’S BANQUET Portuguese, and Spanish. Rotary Leader is an online-only publication; The Assembly was not without its lighter moments. The evening of 17 April saw print copies are not available for sale. the DG’s banquet held at the Grand Dorsett’s Grand Ballroom. The organizing Send questions, comments, or article committee managed to dig up some of DG Kok Beng’s history and made a ideas for Rotary Leader to hilarious sideshow of it. It was all in good fun and so the DG took it in good spirit. The evening was graced by the Rt Hon Ong Tee Keat, Ministry of Transport. YAB FYI - In order to subscribe, all you have Ong is an Honorable Member of RC Pudu. He paid tribute to Rotary noting how to do is enter your “email address” and harmoniously the presidency passed from year to year unlike in Politics. This click “submit” at the original web-page observation drew loud applause from the Grand Ballroom. is below: Three of us, James Cheong, Ghaurry and me, found ourselves at a 1Malaysia table with RC Metro Kuantan and RC Kampung Baru. We had good camaraderie MediaAndNews/Newsletters/ and more than that a very decent menu. After the spread we had during the last RotaryWorld/Pages/ridefault.aspx Conference held at the same venue, expectations ran rather low. So the improved meal was a welcome surprise. PE Poay Lim
  • 2. LAST WEEK'S SPEAKER ATTENDANCE Guest: Mr David Fong Reverend Aru, guest of Yoke Leong -Innovation Attendance: 60% Fines: = David, who is currently the chairman of the Malaysia Venture Capital & Private equity Assoc. presented a talk on 'Innovation". Innovation is a new way of Announcements doing something or “new stuff that is made useful”. It refer to an incremental An EGM was held and the proposed emergent or radical and revolutionary budget by the District for RY 2010/11 changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations. In many fields, such as the was adopted. PE Poay Lim was also arts, economics and government policy, something new must be substantially different appointed as the Club Elector to vote to be innovative. In economics the change must increase value, customer value, or at the District Assembly. producer value. The goal of innovation is positive change, to make someone or something better. Innovation leading to increased productivity is the fundamental source Club Service of increasing wealth in an economy. - The Fireside chat will be at Sri Wang- MEMBERSHIP saria condo on 14 May'10. It will be an DEVELOPMENT evening for sharing Rotary Information with new members. All club members are also welcome to attend. Here are things your club can do to recruit and retain younger members who maintain Rotary’s ideals: - 7 members are participating in the 'Relay for Life 2010'. Cost is $15pp. • Induct several young members at once, instead of recruiting them one at a time A younger member might feel intimidated or alienated if he or she is the only person Community Service in that age group in your club.Inducting several younger members at a time can help them feel more comfortable by giving them an immediate peer group in the club. - Ee Lay reported that the joint Medical • Conduct service projects that might appeal more to younger members. Research Camp project withRC Shah Alam has conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics determined that younger people been rescheduled to 9 May'10. We are don’t do less service work than older people. They determined that 25- to 35-year- required to source for doctors. olds do the same amount of service work as 55- to65-year-olds, however younger people’s work is more likely to focus on areas such as education, sports, and family REF • Recruit Rotaractors, GSE team members, and other Rotary program alumni. Their - Kong reported the committee has participation in RI and Foundation programs shows that they already know about selected a new candidate and two Rotary’s ideals and are interested in pursuing itsmission. Rotarians has been appointed as mentors. The committee has set a • Consider lowering the total cost of membership in your club. Some younger target of 15 awardees. members have trouble meeting the financial obligations of club membership. To combat this problem, some clubs have lowered their fees or have a meal only once Other announcements or twice a month instead of every week. - Yau reported on the1st Mentor Support • If your club is not interested in lowering the total cost of membership, consider Group meeting held on Monday at waiving certain fees or expenses for the first year or two. Younger members may be James Cheong's office. more apprehensive about committing to all of the financial obligations of club membership since they’re not yet fully invested in Rotary. Once they become - Steve reminded directors to submit involved in your club and dedicated to Rotary’s mission, they may be more willing their reports and photos asap for the and able to pay the full amount. installation souvenir programme. • Make sure meetings are efficient and productive. Younger members some-times 19th Installation Committee comment that clubs don’t conduct enough projects and activities and that some clubs mismanage meeting time instead of getting down to business.Younger Chairman: Steve Robinson members often have competing priorities and are more interested in attending Installation programme: PE Poay Lim meetings when conducted efficiently. Treasurer: Sunny Khoo Venue: Karen Chong • Recruit “up-and-comers,” managers who are on their way to becoming important Ticket sales: Tan Siew Hwa business and professional leaders. This group of people is often interested in the Jeremy Ng networking and professional development benefits of Rotary. It is important to get Emcees: Graham Bennett these people invested in Rotary while young so that they’re already dedicated Lim Fang Keong Rotarians by the time they reach top-level management, executive status, or an Ex-officio: President Frances ownership position. • Be open to the new ideas of younger members. Maintaining the status quo in your club may bore and discourage them. Younger members will be more likely to stay in your club if their opinions are valued and appreciated and if they aren’t treated like junior members.
  • 3. NEXT CHANGE LEADERSHIP TRAINING 8 May (Sat) 7.30am CAMP EXPERIENCE Speaker: Adriana Aris by REF Awardee Topic: USS Nimitz Darshinii Pannir Selvam 15 May (Sat) 7.30am Speaker:Tbc Everyone faces challenges in life. Some of us overcome them and some of us might just give up. I was one of CALENDER of EVENTS them who almost gave up. I was feeling Board Meeting quite depressed due to stress in Date: 6 May 2010 school. To me, it felt as if the whole world was falling apart. During this Fireside chat confused period, my mentor Rtn Karen, Date: 14 May 2010 @ 7pm informed me about a leadership Venue: Sri Wangsaria Condo, training camp. I was a little reluctant to Meeting Room (Ground floor) attend it at first wondering how this camp could change my life? Apparently, I was wrong. This camp was an eye opener for me. Medical Camp th th Date: 13 June 2010 On 15 to 18 March 2010, the Rotary Club of Bukit Kiara Sunrise organized a 4 Venue: Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam days 3 nights leadership camp for 52 students from SMK Sri Permata. There were also a few Rotarians who accompanied us. They were, Rtn Graham, Rtn Dr Yee, REF Values Education Program Rtn Dr. Kong, Rtn Karen, and a few others. This camp was sponsored by CIMB Date: 8 - 9 June 2010 bank and we were trained by EQ Training and Development. First and foremost, I Venue: SMK Sri Permata would like to thank the Rotary Club of Bukit Kiara Sunrise for giving me this opportunity, CIMB Bank for their kind sponsorship and my mentor, Rtn Karen for Trip to Taiwan - informing me about this camp. RC Chungli Chung Shing Anniversary I have learned many things and gained lots of new experiences through this 4 days Date: 18 - 23 May 2010 3 nights journey. This camp in a way made me put aside all my worries and problems and made me open my mind into receiving new things. During this Relay for Life 2010 camp, Dr Yee has taught me how to accept challenges in life and not look at it as a Date: 29 - 30 May'10 burden. “Take it like an exam and just try your best to solve it, and if you don't Venue: Bukit Jalil Stadium succeed, learn from your mistakes,” he said. Many of us might have heard this phrase but for the first time I actually understood the meaning of it. Therefore, I RCBKS 19th Installation would like to thank Dr Yee for spending his time and giving me guidance. Date: 26 June 2010 (Sat) I would also like to thank Dr Kong. I must say that Dr Kong is filled with positive RC Bugis Junction Installation energy. He looks at things in a positive manner and he inspired me to do so. After Date: 10 July 2010 having a short conversation with him, he made me realize that life doesn’t have to be so dull, you can always polish it and make it shine if you really want it. Duty Roster Futhermore, I would like to thank Mr. Shankar, Mr. Andy and Mr. Selva for inspiring me. Throughout the camp activities, they instilled many values such teamwork, 24 April (International Service) overcoming your fear, adapting yourself in different enviroment and always rise up to challenges. My favorite part of this program which I shall always carry with me is Sargeant-at-arms Sunny the quote by Napoleon Hill, “I shall be the CAPTAIN of my SOUL”. This quote has Desk Duty Thomas a very deep meaning and it helps me in many ways when I practice it. After the Introducer - camp. I started taking charge of my life. In other words, being empowered. Thank Speaker - Fines Teng Yoong I realize that keeping the mind positive is something I can plan. There are a few things that I would like to share with all of you on how I keep my mind positive and 8 May (New Generation) calm. For instance: Before I go to bed, I allow myself a few minutes to review my day. What are the Sargeant-at-arms Ghaurry things that made me happy? And have Icompleted my task for the day? I asked Desk Duty Poay Lim myself these questions. If I did, I would congratulate myself for doing a specta- Introducer Jeremy cular job. At first, I find this habit quite “funny” but guess what? it actually works! Thank Speaker Elsie Fines Graham Then, I review those things that did not go so well. For example, I missed a dateline or I had a bad day with a friend. I would plan to improve those areas tomorrow. I learn the lessons I can find for that particular day and think how can I Visit our Blog @ make it better and then put a lid on it. I turn my back on the past and look forward http:// rotaryclubbks. for tomorrow. I will picture how my day is going to be. ,,,,, continue on next page
  • 4. Board of Directors 2009/10 District NEWS President District Awards & Handover Night Frances Po 21731618(0) Towards the end of each Rotary year, an evening is set aside for the DistrictAwards Night. Each award given out is truly worth all the effort, hard work and commitment President Elect by the relevant clubs and members. It will be a recognition, meaningful and which Tan Poay Lim the club members will truly be proud to have earned. Such projects that had been 77277127(0) successfully carried out, for the objectives with which they have done so and the results are that they have realized and made beneficial to the communities as Immediate Past President/PR well as put a smile on the faces of those concerned. Elsie Low 77281807(0) Venue:Royal Selangor Club, Dataran Merdeka Date; 12th June'10 @ 7.30pm Vice President/Membership Director Cost: RM 90 Dr Sanjay Doshi 23008030(0) Leadership Camp Honorary Secretary ......continue Cecelia Matuya 56342870(0) My day might not turn out as smooth as I planned but at least it is not a disaster. I thank God for that. The thought of reflection here is “If we plan our life well, there Honorary Treasurer will be no regrets.” PP Graham Bennett 012-2918619 Besides that, I would like to thank all the students of SMK Sri Permata for being friendly and for accepting Ou Young Yu Xin and I as one of them. They also gave Club Service Director their full coorporation when I was the leader of my team on the second day. We PP Karen Chong became good friends and we still keep in touch. I would also like to thank Yu Xin 012-2893380 for sharing some tips on how to study. Vocational Service Director Lastly, I would like to thank my mum for permitting me to attend this camp. PP CY Fong 78032276(0) I consider myself lucky to have attended this camp and had the chance to attain experience and knowledge from very experience people. I have made the choice Community Service Director to have a better life by having a good start. “A BETTER START, A BETTER LIFE”. Ho Ee Lay 019-3395688 District 3300 Sister Clubs International Service Director Susan Lim District Governor Leslie Salehuddin RC Bugis Junction [D 3310] 012-2325860 03-61424628 (0) 03-61424058(Fax) Saturday, 08:00 am Hotel Inter-Continental New Generation Director 80 Middle Road, Singapore Ghaurry Assistant Governor Veiven Goon 23003757(O) 03-79805529(0) 03-79813514(Fax) RC ChiangmaiThinthaingam[D 3360] Thursday, 12.00 noon Rotary Foundation Chairman International Center PP Sunny Khoo Rotary Clubs in Group 9 Chiangmai University, Thailand 22849089(O) Ampang Bukit Kiara Sunrise RC Chungli Chung Shing [D 3500] Bulletin Committee KL West Thursday, 12.00 noon Pudu No 4, Ln 10, Gwo-Ti Street James Lau/ Karen (Editor/Production) Sri Petaling Chungli, Taiwan Poay Lim (Speaker’s Programme)